Saturday, August 05, 2006


Hey all! Your friendly Leoson here! This blog will soon be updated and in the runs, but first we have to consolidate our Research Education project. We are three students who have done research on the intricacies of computer game addiction and how to alleviate it.

This blog is meant to be a product of our research, but we also take it a step further to really try and educate members of the public on our consolidated views and findings of the intricacies of Computer Gaming Addiction. Everything from suggestions to creative pieces will be posted here, and most importantly, our project findings.

From our survey findings, we have found that a considerable majority of students & teens(the majority of computer addicts come from here)also spend a lot of time blogsurfing. Thus the blog would be a very good medium to disseminate information.

If you have any comments or questions to send it in to or leave a comment here. We will try to answer your questions to the best of our ability. Also, we are open to anyone who wishes to be a guest blogger! Any requests to be one please leave me a message or approach me. Currently, we have Hui peng as one of our guest bloggers who will also be giving views from his point of view. the purpose of guest bloggers is to provide as many perspectives as possible.

We hope that this blog will be able to serve its purpose.

remember, prevention is always better than a cure, so if you're not addicted yet, keep disciplined! sounds easy, but it actually is not so easy for many people. don't worry, for this blog will soon be up and running.



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